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Parent Letter January 2023


January 20, 2023logo


Navigator Families,

Can you believe we are halfway through the school year?! I just wanted to reach out and communicate a few items with you.

First, we are so excited to welcome Scott Fronk as an administrative intern beginning February 1st. Some may know Scott already as a special education coordinator and some may get to know him through school communication and IEP team meetings moving forward.

Next, we are still significantly short staffed in several of our programs. Many of our openings have not had any applicants. If you know of anyone looking for work that you think might be a good fit, please send them our way! Directing them to the school website can give information on starting pay and job listings. Building consistent subs is also extremely helpful–so if a flexible schedule is needed that is do-able as well! Winter illness coupled with staff shortages have made some days of school pretty tricky.

Finally, with the need to be flexible some days with covering staffing needs it would be VERY helpful if teachers could know of student absences the night before (if preplanned appointment or ongoing illness) or as early as possible the morning of. This can help curb some of the teacher stress related to scrambling for coverage for a student who is not going to attend that day.

Thank you for entrusting us with the precious gift of your students’ education–it is truly a privilege to spend the days with them! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Juliana Woodbury